Dr. Granzow

Your Treatment Comes First

As the Director of Patient Advocacy for the Granzow Lymphedema & Lipedema Center, Amy is proud that our dedicated team is successful in helping our patients in obtaining surgery approval and insurance coverage:

“Every patient is important to us. We are dedicated to fighting alongside every patient against unjust surgery denials. Surgeries performed by Dr. Granzow are medically necessary, as well as proven and effective. Patients suffering every day from their serious and debilitating medical conditions deserve fierce advocacy. We are not afraid to take on any insurance company.”

“Amy has been working so diligently with the insurance company and government offices to get the procedures authorized. It has been a long hard fought battle and we could not have been assigned a more caring and thoughtful person as Amy.” – V.R.

Caring and Sympathetic

Amy is a passionate advocate for patients along with being a fierce advocate for her daughter, Cora, who suffers from a severe genetic disorder, Angelman Syndrome. Cora was diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome just before turning two years old. She suffers from seizures, is non-verbal and experiences significant difficulties in gross and fine motor skills. Amy understands firsthand the challenges and obstacles involving medical insurance coverage and the tenacity required to face them. Amy received her undergraduate degree from the University of Southern California with the highest honors, summa cum laude. In 2005, she graduated from the University of California, Hastings Law School. From 2005 to 2017, she practiced government contracts law in Washington, D.C., and in Los Angeles. Prior to her role as the Director of Patient Advocacy, she served as Corporate Counsel for Northrop Grumman Corporation, Aerospace Sector, in Southern California.

What Our Patients Say About Amy

“There’s no one like you guys – this would have never happened if not for you, Amy.”

“Looks are deceiving – She is as ferocious as a tiger!”

“Amy has been working so diligently with the insurance company and government offices to get the procedures authorized. It has been a long hard-fought battle and we could not have been assigned a more caring and thoughtful person as Amy.”

“Amy Granzow is one Super-Badass insurance company fighter.”

“I’m glad she was on OUR side.”

“You can fight fire with fire or hire Amy Granzow and fight fire with atomic weapons.”

“Amy Granzow fought relentlessly to overturn the insurance denials for my wife’s treatment. I am 100% certain this outcome was not possible without her expertise, dedication, and tenacity. We know patients of other surgeons who got virtually no support and now sadly, have exhausted their appeals. We are so fortunate to have had Amy Granzow as our advocate!”

Contact our team today to begin your journey with Granzow Lymphedema & Lipedema Center or by filling out the form here.

We’re Here For You Every Step Of The Way